BEST Instruments are a series of learning instruments designed to help employees understand and improve their performance/behavior in leadership, management, communication, presentation, sales, interpersonal relations, team interaction, and other areas vital to a company’s overall performance.
The BEST personality profile system helps determine how an employee’s personality impacts his or her behavior and performance on the job. Each instrument gives examples of ways the employee can modify his or her behavior to be more effective in a given situation.

The BEST Instruments were deliberately designed to fill a void in the instrument market – no special, expensive facilitator training is needed. The results are immediately available – there’s no waiting for a scoring service. Completion time for most instruments is approximately 15 minutes and the results are valid and reliable.
The BEST Instrument system is one of the most extensively researched in the industry, yet the most economical. The BEST Instruments can be used as a stand-alone training instrument or in conjunction with existing in-house training and development programs. Users learn how to identify and analyze the wants and needs of each personality style. The BEST Instruments create self-awareness in an individual’s everyday life – an awareness that becomes the foundation for change.
PO Box 501, Niceville, FL 32588
Toll Free: 1-800-748-9073
Phone: 1-601-953-9039
Email: sales@bestinstruments.net
Technical Support: support@bestinstruments.net